Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 YEARS.......

September 12, 1998
Jesse and I were married.
Wow, how time flyes!
Look how young we were!!!!
In honor of our ten year anniversary I am listing the top ten reasons I am thankful for you, Jesse.


Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


10. Thank you for always doing the
Hunny-do list.

9. Thank you for letting me sleep in even when you are tired.

8. Thank you for making me laugh.

7. Thank you for becoming part of my family and having a wonderful family that accepted me.

6. Thank you for supporting my goals and dreams.

5. Thank you for giving me hope in times of despair.

4. Thank you for providing for our family.

3. Thank you for loving me when you didn't have to.

2. Thank you for giving me 3 of the greatest gifts of my life, Jocelyn, Julian and Brendan.

1. Thank you for being YOU!

Here is to another TEN!


gma said...

So Cute. All those memories. Time passes so fast. I was looking of pictures we had sent my mom at Megan's wedding. The kids looked so young. "Bittersweet" I love how they've grown, but they looked so sweet and innocent.

The Ottosen Family said...

Oh, Happy Anniversary! I hope you have something wonderful planned. You deserve it! Congrats on 10 years!

Dally said...

Good Lord! 10 years is a long time! Im so happy for you two. I respect the fact you two always work things out even when it seems useless.. You guys have been through alot and you stick with your guns! Thats Awesome. Your a real inspiration! I love you both!

John M said...

Wow, 10 years...
Ten years ago we were all standing in our backyard as that "One Eyed Preacher" married the 2 of you.
Thanks for being a part of our lives and doing all that you do for us.
Life is hard, as the last 10 years have proven, BUT...our family is one thing we all have, and that is what REALLY counts.
We love you and your family so much!

Katie said...

Tilly it is time for an Update! I tagged you... so now you have no excuse not to update your blog!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to come by and say hello, hope you're all doing well...
uncle Don

Livin' Life Day-by-Day said...

Love this!